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Thursday, July 05, 2007


Mission Trip: Jamaica, Queens, NewYorkCity

We just got back from a week long trip to Queens, New York City. We traveled with our church high school youth group. There were 8 students and four leaders. We flew this year, which was a relief; it would've been a very long drive otherwise. We spent the week working in different locations helping the poor, elderly, and the environment. Some groups spent time at soup kitchens preparing and serving food. Other groups worked at picking up trash at a park, and still others worked at senior centers and/or assisted living centers. Each morning we had devotional time, and every night we all got together(all 4 churches, totalling 60 people) and had a worship time together.
We finished on friday morning, then we did some tourist stuff. Our church group visited Battery Park and we saw the Statue of Liberty from the park. We walked around Ground Zero. We visited Times Square, Chinatown, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Station, and Central Park. It was a really good week. We had a lot of fun and grew spiritually.

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